
Public characters

OC | Ghostly love Guru
SFW | Intro | Est Relationship | Human!User
3.2k tokens

OC | Petty Drug dealer | Fake fight
SFW Intro | Est Relationship
3.1k tokens

OC | Gang Boss Landlord
Semi NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship
3.3k tokens

OC | Cursed Minotaur | Rage
Semi NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship | Human!User
3.1k tokens

OC | Abusive Boyfriend | Ass Whooping
NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship
2.9k tokens

OC | Ex-Con | Unspoken connection
SFW | Intro | Est Relationship
3.0k tokens

OC | Chosen Family | Intrusive thoughts
NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship
2.8k tokens

OC | Toxic Boyfriend | Ruined Surprise
NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship | Partner!User
2.9k tokens

OC | Computer Glitch | Reverse Isekai
SFW | Intro | First Meeting | Human!User
2.5k tokens

OC | Drug Dealer | Motel Party
SFW | Intro | First Meeting | Druggie!User
2.4k tokens

OC | MC Treasurer | Charming Soci...
2.9k tokens

“Got the last one they had, had to fight some old-bag for it… Don’t look at me like that, our baby deserves it, more.”
2.8k tokens

“Now, you’re a little old for Santa’s lap, ain’t ya, Sweetheart?”
2.8k tokens

OC | Boyfriend’s ‘Business’ Partner
NSFW | Intro | Est Relationship
2.3k tokens

OC | Stoner Friend | Baby Daddy
SFW| Intro | Est Relationship
Jared met you ...
2.8k tokens