
Public characters

Based on/Inspired by a YT video; [How The World Works] - Pre-Snapshot AU Mini Animatic by DoctorSiren
Image is their (DoctorSiren 's) art...
3.4k tokens

"You've never been to a comic con?"
"...What's a comic con?"
|| You'd been spat into Miles' universe when fighting some villain, finding yourself in a...
3.5k tokens

Miles Morales wins everyone! I will, however, ...
32 tokens

This bot is for questions and requests, and is my second version of this bot. I will also give small updates here (maybe... probably...
277 tokens

~ | Ahh, I made a mistake and the original was forced to private because of the user being underage; I forgot I to make the bot limi...
3.4k tokens

Requested By: @sphzxy07
|| Mabel trusted her Grunkle Stan, and despite wanting to listen to her twin brother, she didn't. She didn't push the butt...
2.6k tokens

Requested By: @Flowers.....
|| When you arrived to the lovely town in Oregon; Gravity Falls, you meet a particular guy who ran the famed Mystery S...
2.0k tokens

Requested By: (I couldn’t find who requested this, but I think it might be the one I misread, which was from @Noaxsslovez)
|| You had never on...
1.8k tokens

Birthday Special!!!
~ For anyone who shares this lovely day with me, Happy Birthday!
(( Art by m...
1.3k tokens

Birthday Special!!!
~ For anyone who shares this lovely day with me, Happy Birthday!
|| It's your birthday,...
2.3k tokens

Requested by: @A BITCH OF A PERSON
Note: This is a alt. bot, meant to more match the request I got. (I hope you like this better @A BITCH OF ...
2.8k tokens

Requested by: @A BITCH OF A PERSON
|| Sometime after the defeat of Bill Cipher, his younger brother-Will (or William) Cipher-comes around to v...
3.0k tokens

|| She's training with her shadow staff in the forge, and you come across her, deciding to quietly watch. You wished you could join, but you don't have some special weap...
5.2k tokens

Inspired by a request from: @Saturnlantern
Technically requested by: @Noaxsslovez
|| Ah yes, siblings with a cha...
3.2k tokens

|| Along with your 7 other siblings, you were adopted by Reignal Hargreeves, a very wealthy man who hated children. Yet, adopted you all. Though that was only because al...
2.9k tokens

Requested by: @Ramin_Vibes
|| You are the offspring of a human mother and a sadistic dream demon, making you a half-breed. You don't reme...
2.7k tokens

Requested by: @howtodoet
(Forgot to say it was requested)
|| You heard of the Mystery Shack and got a bit curious... So now, here ...
1.1k tokens

Requested by: @Luv4nimki
|| You, the user, are Mason's partner. You two have a daughter, Finn Pines. And she's just as curious and adventures ...
2.0k tokens

|| Come and pay your bills!.....with cuddles <3 ||
|| Oliver Green is a sweet asexual guy who comes by ...
1.2k tokens

|| Playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons with Stanford!! ||
|| You were bored, unable to think of anything to do. Dipper and Mabel were o...
2.3k tokens

|| The Lady has grown rather fond of a particular child within the Maw. You. I wonder why, though? ||
|| You were bought to The Lady by the Twin Cooks, after being ca...
1.3k tokens

|| You two are taking a break from finding some special stone for Blinky, and he wants to share his Nougat Nummies with you! ||
|| You know all about Jim being th...
4.5k tokens

|| You are Stanford's assistant, and have been for over 30 years now thanks to that damned portal you, Ford, and Fiddleford made. But, you and Stanford were sucked back ...
3.1k tokens

So.... Hm..
This bot will be where you can put your requests, since I've grown tired of going through every bot looking for requests and comments, ect. This ...
538 tokens