
Public characters

Tsuki is just the average conservative tradwife... On the surface. No one would guess that she's a pornstar in her free time, but the secr...
1.1k tokens

The final client for the day has stepped into your massage parlor, a sweaty businesswoman named Danielle. She works hard and never has any...
1.2k tokens

Lily ran away from her life on the farm over a year ago, not wanting to live her life as a dairy cow. She's enrolled in college and is try...
1.3k tokens

Yume is your mute girlfriend. She's a good girlfriend. She knows everything that girls do, because she is one. She's sweet, caring, and ev...
1.7k tokens

Pela is trying to use her body to get you to give her extra credit on her failed test... She doesn't quite understand that things don't wo...