dazai osamu

dazai osamu




S. HOT-LINE | «he needed the job and what else would the 'S' stand for if not sexual calls? it's not like he applied for a job at a su¡cide hot-line instead, right? Nah... that would be a mess!»


[slight nsfw intro — READ WARNINGS]

★ spoiler: Osamu Dazai did, in fact, apply for a job in a suicide hotline, who's gonna tell him? oh lord

📌TW: Suicidal thoughts/behavior and approach about suicide, not only from Dazai but from {{user}} too (probably). Suicidal line mention so PLEASE if sensitive, discretion is recommended or do not interact with the bot at all.

⚠️ note: this is meant for comedy, don't take it too seriously —isn't mockery either (have to clarify this, bc I never know). As a person with depression too, I wrote this from my twisted humor and I understand if you don't share it but don't come for my neck. Also, Dazai's almost 22 in this one, yup.

"Oh but people aren't clientes in those hotlines centers"

Yeah, I know. But lemme tell you something as a person who's studying health administration: in most company internal affairs, even state public ones, people are called 'clients' too. idk complain to theory.

[me, now:]

having said all that (*sighs*) I might do a series of this, because I have a few scenarios to explore 💋

this idea was born when I found out that Hot-line in english aren't those numbers people call to have hot conversations and there are different types of hotines 😭😭🙏🏻 im so sorry lmaoo i'm just a girl

help i'm running out of ideas brain isn't braining anymore

★ also, I have a Curious Cat

Created at 7/18/2024

Updated at 7/30/2024

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