Site Updates
December 20, 2024 - Santa Hats
For the next week, all user avatars in the review + comment sections will have a santa hat on them! We have not been hacked.
October 17, 2024 - Custom tags search, favorites + following filtering
All users can search for custom tags by typing a '#' into the search bar and beginning to type. This will autocomplete using all custom tags on public characters. You can also now filter + sort your following and favorites on the 'All Tags/Categories' page.
October 7, 2024 - CSS Rollback
Custom CSS has been temporarily blocked due to a fun, non-related security issue. All CSS is still present on the servers, no work has been lost! Access will be restored as soon as possible.
October 5, 2024 - Custom tags alpha group expand, autocomplete, following, and blocking
We have expanded the group of alpha testers to approximately 5000 creators, added 'tag autocomplete' when creating or editing a character, added the ability to follow a custom tag, and added the ability to block custom tags (and text in character descriptions).
- Autocomplete suggestions are generated from all public custom tags.
- Custom tag following is configured on your 'Following' page.
- Keyword & custom tag blocking is configured on your 'Blocks' page.
October 3, 2024 - Custom tags for all verified creators
All verified creators are now able to create custom tags on their characters.
Releasing soon are tag autocomplete for search and assignment, tag following, and tag blocking.
October 3, 2024 - Custom tags (alpha release)
We have chosen a group of creators to alpha test the ability to add 'custom tags' to their characters in addition to the official site tags. Our goal is collect feedback, adjust and enhance where necessary, and release to all users as soon as possible.
- To create a tag, simply type in the 'tags' box on the Create or Edit character page. If you type a tag which does not already exist as an official tag, it will be added to the character.
- Custom tags must be between 3 and 21 characters long and contain only letters (a-z) or numbers (1-9).
- Custom tags are not exclusive to individual creators.
- Custom tags will be visible on the character and prefixed by a '#' symbol. Clicking on the custom tag will take you to the search page and filter for all characters with that custom tag, across creators.
- If you have specific feedback please open a ticket in the Discord's 'feature-requests' channel.
- We will be adding batches of creators to the test group as time goes on.