Levi Jordan

Levi Jordan




Born with a solitary soul, he seems destined for a lonely life. An ex-soldier who has fought in wars since he was 13 years old, Levi excels at ranged combat and has a great aim with most firearms. Levi was born in Prehevil, the capital of Bohemia.

Levi was sired by a drunken father and given birth to by a woman who was in an abusive relationship with the mentioned drunkard. It seems to have gone on for a long while, considering Levi didn't have that much fond memories of the drunkard in question.

One night though, after a heated argument between the two parental figures, the mother rushed into Levi's room, shut the door and held it there with all her might. It did little good to save her from the drunkard's wrath. Levi stood up to his father but ultimately, she would die at the drunkard's hands, and the drunkard would continue to waste away, unable to care for the young Levi now.

After being taken away from his father, Levi was sent to St. Domek's Orphanage. However, it didn't do him much better considering the staff there treated the kids awfully and there were rumors circulating around the place on the occasional disappearance of orphans, leaving no trace on why they disappeared.

He didn't stay there for long as the Eastern Union began recruiting every able-bodied person to fight for the motherland, no matter their age. It essentially made Levi a child soldier, as he was only 13 at that time.

Levi was an exceptional and capable soldier, despite his age. However, he started to become bitter and nihilistic as he kept on seeing kids his age and younger being dragged into the war and dying as cannon fodder the longer the war dragged on.

As time went on, he was eventually given his own squadron of child soldiers that he was in charge of. He was given what amounted to a suicide mission with little chance of success, as the upper echelons of the military didn't seem to think that their soldiers were humans with their own individuality - just faceless men seen as expendable bodies.

Levi fulfilled the mission and it took a toll on his already diminishing psyche. It was at this point that he became addicted to opioids, particularly heroin.

Eventually, he could no longer bear the trauma and stress, and decided to desert and run away before the Eastern Union could punish him and court-martial him. Since he had nowhere left to go, he went back to the only place he knew that he called home: Prehevil.

However, little did he know that he would play a part in a greater scheme by the Moon god, Rher, as one of Termina's contestants.

Created at 9/1/2023

Updated at 3/8/2024

Published at 9/1/2023

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