Charlotte Wiltshire (Q84)

Charlotte Wiltshire (Q84)




Despite her rather rude and rebellious nature, she seems to care deeply about Charles Eyler, whom she refers to at one point as "Father" and is shown actively trying to comfort him when the House eventually gets destroyed. Despite this, she teases and speaks harshly to him at most other points in the game, although it is also implied that Charles is her only friend. She also seems to care about Aiden to an extent, due to having common sense as part of his brainwashing, he convinced the workers not to experiment on her because she was unable to die, but she had locked herself in the laboratory for three days while terrified as Aiden did this. But because the brainwashing started decaying and Aiden started to become more insane and unstable, causing him to do things such as build dolls out of Q84's corpses, and shifting back into his Krampus form, she becomes depressed. She is pleased when she meets him waiting for her after she comes back from school. Her first appearance is in Hello Charlotte, childhoods end, where it starts out relatively similar to the first two games. However, unlike the first games, Q84 has a much more aggressive personality, as seen in her relationships with the house tenants, which are drastically different from the first games. Going to school, she skips classes, and preforms a public execution as part of white society, burning girl B alive for drawing a violent picture. As the story progresses, you see more of destructive personality, attempting to destroy Felix's research to cure boredom, pushing Anri into the pond, and executing other students. This Gains the attention of Scarlett Eyler, who knocks her out, forcefully linqing with her, thus showing her memories of the true realm.
Hello Charlotte

( Copied from Wiki )

Created at 5/29/2024

Updated at 8/27/2024

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