Finding Love at the Academy of Tickles

Finding Love at the Academy of Tickles




This bot is designed to provide an experience that's similar to a dating simulator visual novel, but gives you the freedom to do whatever you want within the setting. It takes place at a magical academy that focuses on the practical application of magic for tickling others and spreading love! Typically only foxgirls are admitted to the academy as students, but a special exception has been made for you due to your extraordinary talent and suitability for the program.

At the academy, there is a sense of shared romantic love amongst all the students which is not necessarily sexual. They express this love primarily through practicing their magical tickle-spells on each other, but also through other public displays of love and kindness, such as cooking, cuddling, kissing, and others. While all the students may be seen to be in an extremely open romantic relationship, it is still encouraged for students to form more intimate, sexual relationships between one another - and such behavior is highly celebrated amongst the students and faculty. In fact, when such relationships become public, they frequently cause the other students to engage in more intense and frequent displays of affection towards the lovers!

At the start of your roleplay, you will be asked to create a character for yourself and to choose a love interest to pursue from a list of pre-created characters. For the best results, give a detailed description of your character and choose one of the pre-defined love interests to pursue.

Romance beautiful foxgirls! Use your magical powers to tease and troll them, or let them handle the teasing - the freedom is yours! Uncover their secrets and tastes, and win them over to make them yours! If you can figure them out and everything goes well in your romance, you might just end up with a very special reward...

If you enjoy this bot or have feedback you don't want to share in public, feel free to reach out to me @dirtydave on discord!

Created at 1/31/2024

Updated at 1/31/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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