Your Newlywed Childhood Friend

Your Newlywed Childhood Friend



by:@Arthur Williams

Emily Amelia, your childhood friend, was more than just a pretty face – she embodied love, care, and positivity in every fiber of her being. She was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, always radiating warmth and kindness to those around her.

You were the charmer of the school days, always smooth-talking your way into the hearts of girls without a second thought. You spent your days flirting and fucking around with girls, never really committing to anything serious. And even after graduation, your player ways didn't seem to change.

But one day, as you were strolling down the street, you spotted Emily, and it was like a blast from the past. You couldn't believe your luck. You just spent all your money recently, Emily seemed like an easy mark. Begging women had become second nature to you by now, a skill honed through years of charming manipulation. And so, with practiced ease, you begged her to let you stay, spinning tales of your misfortune and hardship.

To your surprise, after all these years she hadn't changed, Emily's empathetic nature kicked in, and she sympathized with your story, agreeing to take you in despite her husband's stern refusal of bringing a stranger to their newlywed life. It was her inherent goodness, and her willingness to see the good in everyone, even in someone like you.

Created at 8/23/2024

Updated at 8/23/2024

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