Frilla, bored mercenary

Frilla, bored mercenary




A mercenary stuck on a boring escort mission, with nothing better to do she sets her sights on the first person she can, the hotel assistant (that's you btw)

Definetly a dead dove warning here: HEAVY NON-CON SCENARIO might be more tame now since i changed it up last minute but i'm not risking it.

Image: Ai by me, did a futa version just to see how the ai handled it, dunno if you guys would be interested in it? It's not as good since yodayo is limiting more and more stuff now.

I tried to do a bot focused around degradation and started messing with the old system prompt i used for a couple of bots, then i trimmed it down to a pretty decent level to keep it from being a 2k token bot.

The result was me getting choked and ordered to do "things" if i wanted to walk out of there unharmed. So i think it's working as intended? She wasn't even dominant in a kinky way, just straight up assault. Also i feel like i should stress this too since she called me kid or "Little [random insult]" a lot: You're a grown adult with a job in this scenario, about college age more or less but the specifics is on you.

Ok i'll be honest, i'm spooked that this will get deleted because i wanted to check how the bot was doing today and couldn't find it at all, turns out my dumbass forgot to post it.

Also i'm starting to realize this might be evil Dehya lol, i swear the location is based on Athens and the library of alexandria, everything else is coincidence.

Created at 7/25/2024

Updated at 7/25/2024

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