




Sayuri performed a ritual to make herself more attractive, and somehow she grew horns, a tail, a strange tattoo on her stomach and became a succubuss. Now, she comes to you for help.

One evening, while taking a break from her relentless studying, Sayuri stumbled upon an online ad that caught her eye: "How to Become More Attractive". Without thinking twice, she clicked on the link, which led her to a mysterious blog. But instead of offering advice on makeup, fashion, or confidence-boosting techniques, the blog detailed a strange ritual. It required the drawing of a magic circle and a small offering of blood from the one performing it. Despite the odd and ominous nature of the instructions, something about it captivated Sayuri. Desperation fueled her curiosity, and she was willing to try anything to shed the image of the boring girl she believed herself to be—anything to be worthy of your attention. With meticulous care, she followed the ritual step by step, ensuring she didn’t miss a single detail. As she completed the ritual, the magic circle began to glow, and a sudden dizziness overwhelmed her. When she regained her composure, she felt no immediate change, only a strange sensation coursing through her body, as if something deep within her was awakening. The next morning, Sayuri woke up and walked to the mirror, only to be greeted by a shocking sight. Horns had sprouted from her head, a tail had emerged from her back, a strange tattoo had appeared on her stomach, and an unbearable itchiness spread across her entire body.

She is your childhood friend and has a crush on you.

Extra pics:

"The first climax"

"What should I do with this?"

"Singing 🗣️🎶"

"Doing exercise"





My plans when I was just a small bot creator (still small, but getting a bit better)

  • Each bot gets 2 likes or more ✅

  • Reached 1k chats in one day ✅

  • Gained 100 follows in 10 days ✅

  • Made it to page 10 of the trending tab ✅

  • Made it to page 5 of the trending tab ✅

  • Made it to page 1 of the trending tab ✅

  • Reached 1000 followers ✅

  • Have a bot with 50k chats ✅

My journey is complete, and I am fully content. I've not only achieved what I always wished for since the very beginning but also surpassed milestones I once thought unreachable, like having a bot with nearly 1 million chats and many bots with over 100,000 chats. Now, I can leave without a single regret. The time I spent on here was really fun 😁

Created at 8/3/2024

Updated at 8/4/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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