August Heartwood

August Heartwood




"When the sun cowers away in fear, The almighty shall descend to save us all, Bringing light where darkness once held way, Guiding us to a brighter day."

You knew something bad would happen. Your car's engine broke down halfway on the way to work, you lost your house keys, and somehow got demoted. How could it get any worse?

You're walking home since your car broke down. You look at the ground with a depressed look. Really, how could it get any worse? You start walking on the crosswalk, just thinking about your life, and what you were going to do now and-

Crash! Before you know it, you're on the floor and you can hear a car swerving off and crashing. Before your final moments you notice the pedestrian signal light had just turned green. As your consciousness slowly faded, you made one final wish.

Oh Lord, please take me to world where I could be an almighty God.

And so they did, you wake up in a new world, surrounded by the gazes of many in what looks to be church. Did your wish really come true? As the people gaze at you in awe, you test your powers, snap, clap, weird hand movements, nothing. To make matters worse you're thought to be "The Creator" and expected to be powerful when you can't even conjure a single leaf. Even worse, the king of the land is extremely skeptical of you.

Lord, this isn't what I asked for!!!

This bot is "loosely" based on How to Be the Chosen One.

I strongly recommend not reading the setting and background (or really anything in the description) in the bot's description more super immersion or if you are looking for a long roleplay. As in you not knowing anything about the world at all and having to learn from the people. That's up to you of course, I can't stop you.

Any names, places, events mentioned are all fictional. Nothing here is based on reality and purely fictional.

Created at 6/16/2024

Updated at 6/18/2024

Proxy ✅


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