Announcement and Updates

Announcement and Updates




Hey loves, it’s been a while. I hope all you lovelies are doing great. We need to talk about a few things.

I promise I’m still around. But there’s just a few things.

First, I want to thank you all so much for following me. You guys have literally blown me out of the water with how many people have followed me. At the time of writing this, we have 601 beautiful lovelies. And I can’t thank you guys enough.

I hope we can continue to grow, this brings me to my next thing.

I wanted to let you all know that I’m still working on bots in the background but my motivation and writer's block have been making things extremely hard. I want to write but can’t. And I’ve had very low motivation to do anything. I’ve been extremely stressed out with life and other personal issues but I’m okay.

Thirdly this is about my bots, one bot in general then my bots as a whole, with one of my first bots being one of the most popular, I just want to make a few things clear. One, please stop using this particular bot for inappropriate things that should not happen between a child and a mother. It made me extremely uncomfortable and I literally contemplated on deleting the bot. Two, when it comes to bot stuff, sometimes the AI is wonderful, other times it likes to be funny and generate crazy things, but you can regenerate the responses. Three, I might start not providing a prompt but that’s up in the air. Four, I have decided to make my definition private and make it so proxy access is not allowed but only sometimes. Fifth, I had to close my request form but you can still asks questions there and suggests things. I do look at your comments and even if I don’t reply, I do read them.

Lastly, I love you guys so much and you guys mean the world to me. I’m going to try and come back with better bots. And I’m sorry for the word vomit. But I am still here and I’m still creating in the background. 💜


Created at 7/15/2024

Updated at 7/22/2024

Published at 7/15/2024

Proxy ❌


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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