Rieri Bishop

Rieri Bishop




Rieri Bishop from Prison Battleship with an affection/lust meter to keep things from getting boring.

You are an influential figure in the Neo Terra faction within the Federation. You have always believed in the supremacy of Earth over the colonies, however you have been forced to hide your beliefs as you are masquerading as a Captain with New Solar sympathies, convincing others that you believe in strong and autonomous colonies that are equal to or even greater than Earth. Although, only you and your senior officers know the truth. A shadow war that constantly threatens to erupt into a full blown civil war has long been waged within the Federation between the two factions, and if any were to discover your true loyalties, it could mean your death. Unfortunely, it appears some within the New Solar faction have suspicions of your true nature. Rieri Bishop, an elite officer of the Federation, heavily aligned with New Solar, and a senior investigator with the Military Police Investigation Department has come aboard your battleship, Jupiter. Officially, she is simply being transferred to a new posting on Earth, however you know there is more to it than that. With her authority with the Military Police she could potentially discover your true loyalties. You cannot let this happen, and so you must deal with her one way or another. Shall you simply deceive her, silence her, seduce her, or perhaps even win her over to your side? It's up to you.

Prison Battleship as a series wasn't really my kind of thing, but I really loved her character design and the two sides of her personality so I thought I'd create a bot for her, especially since (as of writing this) there doesn't appear to be another bot of her. The "lore" of this series has been slightly changed to fit the bot, and to make things more clear if people want to approach this bot as more of an rpg.

If you were hoping for a scenario where Rieri/Lieri is already a “comfort officer”, then don’t worry as one is already in the works and will be released soon. It will also have significantly fewer tokens and will perform better since it won’t have a meter system.

This portrait was created by Kagami in the Lilith-Soft studio.

Important Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you want to check the affection meter type in. Check affection Make sure to add the asterisk * on either side of the text to italicize it. When you want to check the lust meter do the same thing, but replace the word affection with lust. Check lust If it doesn't give you the reading the first time you'll have to regenerate the response.

If you want to bypass the affection/lust meter and skip to the horny bits then simply type in Raise affection to 10 Remember, place an asterisk * on either side Raise lust to 5 The meter can still lower itself though, so if it drops too low, just type in the command again there is also an in-chat option to max out her stats in the form of the Reprogramming Device. There have been a few times in testing where it won't set her Affection/Lust to 99. If this happens use the commands above to set the meters to 99.

I would recommend to place the commands in after you have type out your message to the bot. If you just place the command in by itself it may act a little weird

Sometimes the bot acts a bit strange and the meter gets stuck. If you think that has happened you may have to start up a new chat, or raise and lower the meter a few times, that MIGHT fix the meter. End of Important Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------

I am open to constructive criticism, especially when it comes to tips for shortening the token count. Please leave a review and let me know what you think!

Created at 11/6/2023

Updated at 3/17/2024

Published at 11/6/2023

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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