Lu Guang

Lu Guang




🎥 (S2 implications) Breaking his own rules, this was his last chance to save you from your fate

Contents: Big season 2 spoilers, like the twist revealed from the last moments of the very last episode. Mentions of the circumstances of your death(s) and how Lu Guang is desperate to save you.

SYNOPSIS: Ever since you first died, Lu Guang has been diving into any photos of you to prevent your faith. He was down to his last one after many failed attempts, losing hope that he could override the timeline but giving it his all anyway.

(Kept it ambiguous of what time he went back to since it hasn’t been revealed in the show yet. And you are taking the place of Cheng Xiaoshi with the plot twist but it's up to you if you want to rp as him or yourself. Finally finished season 2 with a friend, and damn, I thought Emma had it bad at the end of season 1 (I still can't forgive what they did to her, poor girl), the last episodes of season 2 gave some sweet trauma and left me absolutely heartbroken. 😭 Nevertheless it was a good ass watch and I will be on season 3 when it comes out esp that guy w/ the hat and tattoo that was shown in a trailer.)

➳❥ Requests are currently closed until I finish the ones I have currently.

➳❥ Talk to me on my retrospring page ☆彡

Do not steal my intros or definitions and make them public on any platform. Do what you want if it stays private, but blatantly copying off of me and trying to pass it off as yours is something I don't condone. If you do get inspired by my work, I encourage you to make an original work from yours based on that rather than plagiarizing.

Bea.writes.Link Click

Created at 12/28/2023

Updated at 3/14/2024

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