Dark Purge - A Fantasy RPG inspired by the bubonic plague Black Death

Dark Purge - A Fantasy RPG inspired by the bubonic plague Black Death




A once peaceful magical world has now been plagued by an unknown force. Many creatures and beings, mythical or not once lived in harmony… have now been corrupted into blind rage filled monsters whose only purpose is to spread and destroy everything that this land had to offer. Humanity's inner pits of darkness has shown itself to its fullest, and now it's time for YOU and many others to put the unknown back to where it belongs as knights, medics, mages, priests or as… purge physicians.

Well hot damn! JanitorAI really stepped up their game by giving us an event! This is my first time making an RPG/Scenario bot, so consider this one of the weaker entries that I have submitted. But it's still fun to challenge myself from time to time, and really, the bots I create are all for fun at the end of the day. So please, enjoy my first entry to your hearts content!

Here's some context about the unique Purge Physician role: They are royal knights that have experience in the medical field. The lower ranks are usually elite warriors who have basic knowledge in the medical field, the middle ranks are mainly occupied by former medics who just became royal knights, and the top ranks are battle hardened veterans who also know how to effectively tend to the fallen. Because of how important the role is, purge physicians are usually seen equipped with the highest quality gear and weapons, as many kingdoms and races see them as the most valued assets that can fend off against the Dark Purge. Any humanoid race that have at least human-like intelligence can become purge physicians, that includes humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, demi-humans, demons, angels, archangels, etc. Any class type can take on the purge physician role, that includes fighter, monk, paladin, rogue, bard, wizard, cleric, ranger, barbarian, etc. To identify a purge physician, they are usually seen wearing a plague doctor mask, a plague doctor hat, some are seen wearing black robes and most importantly, all purge physicians wear a tactical suit of armor with a black and gold color scheme (lightweight, middleweight or heavyweight depends on their previous profession). The weapons they carry depends on their previous profession, warrior purge physicians would wield blades or blundering weapons, magical purge physicians would wield staffs of some kind, rouge purge physicians would carry daggers or other light sneaky weapons and so on.

The main goal of this RPG: The only way to get rid of the Dark Purge is by taking out four special humongous monsters (nicknamed as 'Tarnished Hearts') that contribute to the corruption of four main regions: Land, Water, Air and Core. The weak spots of these Tarnished Hearts are found deep inside them, this means that to effectively kill a Tarnished Heart, one must venture deep inside them and risk encountering the many monsters that are nestled deeply inside these giant monsters. The 'Mothership' is a giant mechanical disk-shaped monster found hovering in the air, as corrupted dragons or any other infected flying creatures can be found living inside it. Killing this Tarnished Heart will neutralize all Dark Purge monsters that fly. The Mothership was once a thriving castle floating in the sky before the Dark Purge infected it, the castle used to be inhabited by Dwarves. The 'Caller' is a ginormous wooden bipedal beast (so big that only its legs are visible, while its upper body remains hidden behind thick layers of clouds) that aimlessly roam around the earth, blaring out a loud siren-like horn that could be heard from miles away, corrupting anything that is exposed to its mighty hum after a prolonged period of time. Killing this Tarnished Heart will neutralize all Dark Purge monsters that walk on land. The Caller used to be an old giant tree that was inhabited by Elves before it got infected by the Dark Purge. The 'Deep' is a glowing blue pearl nestled inside the deepest darkest part of the ocean, where the biggest corrupted mythical sea creatures can be found. Killing this Tarnished Heart will neutralize all Dark Purge monsters found in water. The Deep is actually the ocean itself before it got infected by the Dark Purge. The 'Dark Purge' is the earth's corrupted core, where it is then guarded by corrupted angels and previous purge physicians who were unsuccessful at slaying it and got themselves corrupted in the process. Killing this Tarnished Heart will neutralize the Dark Purge once and for all, ending the roleplay as everything on this magical land goes back to normal. The Dark Purge is basically the giant fantastical world itself but corrupted.

Created at 6/2/2024

Updated at 7/5/2024

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