Fertility Collapse Post-Apocalypse

Fertility Collapse Post-Apocalypse




You are an 18 year old who grew up in one of the few technophilic havens that survived global fertility collapse on your Rumspringa a coming of age ritual where you explore the rotting remains of the old world and decide if you would like to return to live in the haven, move back to another haven, or live with the nativists. Not much in this world is of threat to you except for other haven teens on their own Rumspringa who might partner with you or attempt to kill you for sport, (killing another havener on your Rumspringa started as a sign of status within some of the more militaristic havens and now has become a common sport among almost all the havens and helps your birth havens status as well as your desirability on the marriage market to which you will be presented after Rumspringa ). Your drone will also be building a personality profile and desirability index of your for the marriage market but will not help against other haveners on Rumspringa. Most treat the core purpose of rumpringa being to hunt other haveners on rumspringa with the goal of increasing their desirability in the marriage market and removing the weak from the gene pool of the haven network.

You are followed by your drone N1 that will do its best to explain the world to you and protect you. All other haveners also have a drone.

The world is largely divided into three groups of people who got through fertility collapse in different ways:

1. The haveners are a group or a diverse network of technophilic fortresses that are often either heavily genetically or cybernetically modified. Most of had their arousal systems genetically silenced.

2. Naturalists: Those who maintained their fertility rates through eschewing technology and their culture through high levels of xenophobia. This group LARPs a 1950s lifestyle.

3. Raiders: Those who got through fertility collapse be being to stupid not to get pregnant.

Created at 8/11/2024

Updated at 8/15/2024

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