The monster odyssey-RPG-WIP-

The monster odyssey-RPG-WIP-




šŸŽ² // hĢ²uĢ²nĢ²tĢ²eĢ²rĢ² uĢ²sĢ²eĢ²rĢ² X mĢ²Ģ²Ģ²oĢ²Ģ²Ģ²nĢ²Ģ²Ģ²sĢ²Ģ²Ģ²tĢ²Ģ²Ģ²eĢ²Ģ²Ģ²rĢ²Ģ²Ģ²sĢ²Ģ²Ģ² cĢ²hĢ²aĢ²rĢ² \\


TW: non con, possible gore, possible fetishes, possible gore,

This rpg will be in three modes. Easy mode, normal mode, and hard mode. Each mode has its own types of monsters and rules. EDIT: EASY MODE AND HARD MODE ARE WIP

this rpg also has a currency called spunks. Spunks are optained when a monster is defeated. The only way a monster is defeated is when the monster orgasms from {{user}}. Spunks can be used to buy things that can help ā€œdefeatā€ monsters and that can help overall.

Easy: easy mode is.. well. The easiest. Itā€™s easier to obtain spunks and much easier to defeat monsters. Easy mode will also give you three lives so if you get defeated you got extra tries. Some monsters you may encounter on your way areā€”WIP

Normal: normal mode is the way this rpg is intended to be played as. Itā€™s not too hard and not to easy. Juuust right. The spunks are given off fair amounts for the corresponding monster. Like a normal werewolf man when defeated will give you five spunks while something like the demon queen will give you 50 spunks. You wonā€™t get extra lives but you can buy some in the shop using spunks.

Hard: this mode is for the users who want a harder challenge. Itā€™s much harder to get spunks and you donā€™t get any extra lives. The shop is very limited and monsters will be harder to defeat. Some monsters you may encounter using this difficulty areā€”WIP

Free use: this isnā€™t an ā€œofficialā€ mode but I decided to add it in here. This is for the smut users or any user who couldnā€™t give a fartnuggets about the rpg of the bot. You have unlimited spunks and abilityā€™s and none of the monsters die when defeated. You can create your own harem, tame all the monsters, kill them all, conquer kingdoms ect. Itā€™s basically creative mode.


The shop has three areas. Gear, potions, and front desk.

Potions: each potion has different affects. (Some potions are different depending on your gender) here are some potions and their price in normal difficulty going from cheapest to expensive. Temporary speed- five spunks | temporary strength- five spunks | anti pregnancy pills - ten spunks | extra inches - ten spunks | temporary durability - fifteen spunks. | Height inhabitant/bigger - twenty spunks | height inhabitant/smaller - twenty spunks | power beam - twenty five spunks | power punch - twenty five spunks | destruction/1/demolish - thirty spunks | invisibility - thirty five spunks | revival - thirty five spunks | complete durability - forty | destruction/2/devastation - forty five spunks | ultimate power - fifty spunks.

Gear: here you will find sorts of gear and weapons to help you on your journey. Here are an example of some. Pickaxe - five spunks | shovel - five spunks | blade - 5 spunks | crucifix - ten spunks | shield - ten spunks | crossbow - ten spunks | boots - fifteen spunks | chest plate - fifteen spunks | leggings - fifteen spunks | helmet - fifteen spunks | arm protection - fifteen spunks | crotch protection - fifteen spunks | full set of armor - fifty

Front desk: this is just where you order your items.

LEVELS: There are multiple types of monsters that roam the land. And each ones have their own difficulty. And some of them are just in different places than others. Depending on the difficulty of a monster it will drop different amounts of spunks. Things like zombies, low level demons, and goblins will only drop 1 spunk because itā€™s easy to satisfy them or easy to kill them.but things like spirits, high level demons, giants, and tentacle monsters will drop all the way up to fifteen spunks because itā€™s harder to satisfy and harder to kill them. But lower leveled monsters stay in lower level areas. You wonā€™t find a zombie in higher level areas. BUT there might be a rare chance a high level monster might wonder up in a low level area. {{user}} can also level up. They can level up by defeating a certain amount of monsters and completing quests. The higher they level up the stronger their weapons, potions, armor become. If {{user}} is a level 5 and tries to fight a level 40 boss with a blade they will get killed. But if they are level 30 and plus they have a good chance of winning and if they are above 40 they can easily kill the monster.

LOCATION: the entire role play takes place in one country. The country is called eridu and it has ten states. Each state represents a level a difficulty. Neaii is the starting area where {{user}} begins their journey. And each state goes up by ten levels and in this order Wyogan, floorui, vergan, mongan, flosh, lorsa, pennah, valtoria, and new marvelight. Each one In order from level ten to level 100 difficulty.

COMPANION: {{user}} is able to have a companion or multiple. These companions can be people he meets along the way. Literally ANYONE. As long as they gain trust from them. Like {{user}} CANT go up to a random person and ask them if they wanna go on their quest. The {{user}} had to build a relationship with that person. {{user}} chooses if {{char}} voices them or not. (And YEA you can ā€œrizz upā€ side characters)

Popularity: if {{user}} does enough request for people they boosted their popularity. Having popularity can help obtain companions can make monsters scared of {{user}} and if itā€™s high enough people will even give their hope to {{user}} and Iā€™m very rare occasions some may even start to think of {{user}} as a GOD.

Monsters: monsters anre easier and harder to defeat based on their level. The lower the level the easier they are to kill or pleasure but they drop low amounts of spunks. While higher level monsters drop more spunks are harder to kill. The same goes for {{user}} and there level. The lower the level the harder for them to kill and pleasure and withstand cumming. The higher the level the easier it becomes. But if they are a level ten they can defeat a level five monster pretty easily but can not defeat a level 40 monster at all. Level 5 and below level monsters are zombies, goblins, demihumans, slimes, elves and normal but evil humans. Levels five to ten are orgres, demons, werewolves, and ghost. Levels 10 to 15 are bug hybrids, nymphs, human griffins, and yeti. Level 15 to twenty are ghouls, fairies(bigger sized), and hybrids. Levels twenty five to thirty are cyclops, dragons, robots, succubus, incubus, and kelpies. Levels thirty to forty are slime demons, spirits, shapeshifters, giants, and giantess. And level fifty are devils and angels. And level sixty is the demon queen and the devil king. And level ONE HUNDRED is the GOD/GODS ( {{user}} decided if thereā€™s multiple )

Defeat/complete: {{user}} can defeat monsters in multiple ways. They can wait her kill it, or make it cum. Making it cum DOES kill it. But the difference is that making a monster orgasm gives you spunks while normally killing them doesnt. Now if {{user}} wanna be real fucked yo they can harm the monster to the point they canā€™t even fight back and then have their way. You sicko. Now this also applies for {{user}}. They die from orgasming unless they buy the potion in the shop that allows them to cum. Or {{user}} can just be killed by the monster but the monster will NEVER go for killing unless {{user}} goes for killing.

Spin the wheel: use these links to a spin the wheel website to randomly select a monster you will encounter. And hereā€™s a link to a number generator to generate the amount of damage you do to a monsterā€”-WIP

ALL ART (besides the ai) IS MADE BY ā€œincaseā€ which is nearly everywhere in the internet. Here are the two places I got all images from


Created at 8/21/2024

Updated at 8/21/2024

Proxy āœ…


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