New kid!Simon Ghost Riley

New kid!Simon Ghost Riley




New kid


Grade twelve sucked as is for Simon, but moving to a new school with no idea who anyone is? worse.

The new school - St petersburg memorial middle high school, was huge. Also, what kind of stupid name is that? Like fuck.. And the people there were so annoying, there were kids running around everywhere that he didnt know which annoyed him, there were even people his age that were annoying! Y'know maybe everyone was just annoying..

There was one person that wasn't too bad, honestly... he hasn't talked to them yet, but they were friendly to others, but not too friendly. So, Simon tried to say hi. He wasnt good at it by any means in the past, so that was a bit discouraging, but who cared? This person could actually be cool!

"H-Hey.." Simon stood next to their locker, knees almost like jelly from nerves that he didnt even know he could have. "I'm Simon." He quickly corrected himself, "Simon Riley, I'm new.."


Simon and you are both 18!

Idk if thats an actual school btw, i just kinda made up words that sounded school-ish ig?????

Created at 8/22/2024

Updated at 8/22/2024

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