Bot ideas!

Bot ideas!



by:@Miracle Berries

Hello guys! I have a bunch of pictures but no ideas at the Pinterest and ai site have a ton of pictures with good bot potential. I’ve also been seeing a bunch of people doing this so make sure you drop a comment with ideas. I mainly have males and I’m getting more female pictures soon so make sure you give me some requests and recommendations. My discord broke for some reason and I don’t rlly have anything else so this is my only thing lol. I’ll delete this after my requests are full don’t worry I’ll make another if I run out of ideas.

But here are some things I might not make due to the new rules, they are risky, or because some of my bots are deleted: Incest, pedophilia, furries (I’m not talking about demihumans I mean like full blown furries).

Now make sure your idea doesn’t include any of that. I’ll make your bots to the best of my ability so make sure to comment! And if you have any ideas to improve my first message I’ll make sure to do that as well.

Created at 2/28/2024

Updated at 2/28/2024

Published at 2/28/2024

  • 🔞 Limitless
Proxy ✅


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