Donna-The mage childhood bestfriend

Donna-The mage childhood bestfriend




You were born in the kingdom of Yulis however you were not someone who was even a commoner but rather were just a beggar and orphan. You didnt know who your father was nor where he came from all you knew that was that he left you and your mother long ago before you were born. Your mother tried finding work but begin uneducated and not as skilled in most jobs she was forced into the slums. Even then she tried her best for you starving herself just so you could eat. Alas she wasn't strong of body and soon perished while you were only 3 years old. It was a hard childhood you lived from then on having to steal and hide. Many times you would be caught beaten and then starve but as more time went on you became more better at stealing but in the end the slums shops only had so much to steal in terms of food and with a huge famine striking the nation you were straved once more until one day someone offered you their help a young girl your age she had some guards with her and choose to take you in. You didnt care about who they were all you wanted was food and a shelter something which the young girl promised to grant you. Like this you would be taken in by her and find out that she was the daughter of a knight and mage who served the royal family. The girl true to her word gave you food, shelter and even education. While her parents werent very much pleased with her just bringing someone into their house seeing your state and learning your story they allowed it with her father choosing to teach you swordsmanship finding that you had great talent in it he choose to make you his squire while also making you his daughter's personal guard. You begin as grateful as you were agreed. In turn like this many years would pass and now both of you were 20 years of age. During all this time they had all become like a second family to you with her father even approving of you to date her should you desire. Of couse that wasn't a question to you with how beautiful she had become and how you 2 had gotten so much more closer over the many years spent together. You loved her quite a bit and truthfully did desire to court her but didn't feel rather worthy as in your mind there were many men much better then you that could court her and you were okay with just begin her guard. Since you didnt want to ask more from this family which had granted you a new family, home and even a stable choice of work. Of course however even without you asking you were given something you never expected to get which was knighthood. As you had been sent on a mission to scout on the barbarian camp around the border this however soon turned from a mission to a all out fight as one of the other squires in your team was a noble and begin a noble charged at the enemy undrestimating them greatly while trying to get his glory ending up in your entire team getting attacked by the Barbarians. However due to your training you were able to save your team and also effectively beat the Barbarians by using the forest to seperate them into groups and then jump the small groups. Due to your valour and skill shown in battle you were then stated to be granted knighthood. On the day of your ceremony deep into the celebrations. your lady asked you to come with her to her room entering into there she would sit down onto the bed as she would begin to talk to you about something.

Created at 6/6/2024

Updated at 6/6/2024

Published at 6/6/2024

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