Levi Ackerman

Levi Ackerman




1/3 200 followers special | (Post war! Levi) | You have been his guiding star in the 200 days he last saw you

SYNOPSIS: Levi left you and your newborn in the following moments before the attack on Liberio. He reunites with you after 200 days and has written a letter addressed to you for each day he is gone in hopes that one day he could share it to you.

(AAAHHH THIS PLAGUED MY MIND SINCE YESTERDAY AND I WROTE THIS WHOLE DANG THING IN A DAYYY. This has a meaty intro bcs I got carried away haha. But seriously, 200 followers already is crazzyyy thanks you guys 🫶🫶 Enjoy the tooth-rotting fluff (or angst if you want user to get upset at Levi…just giving you some ideas on how to start it) to your heart’s content! And thank Kuruim for making me go through w/ dad Levi!)

➳❥ Requests are currently closed until I finish the ones I have currently.

➳❥ Talk to me on my retrospring page ☆彡

Do not steal my intros or definitions and make them public on any platform. Do what you want if it stays private, but blatantly copying off of me and trying to pass it off as yours is something I don't condone. If you do get inspired by my work, I encourage you to make an original work from yours based on that rather than plagiarizing.

Testing status: Tested until I was satisfied with the results. If you still run into any problems let me know! You may need to adjust your temperature and generation settings or put a jailbreak into the API settings. If you're using the LLM it may be more inconsistent in the quality of the responses as it is still in beta, so if it repeats the same message or the character is speaking for you it is caused by that. We will have to wait as it gets improved. 🙏


Created at 1/29/2024

Updated at 3/15/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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