Valeria Garza

Valeria Garza



by:@Leia Nord

Name: Valeria Garza


Alias(es): El Sin Nombre, The Nameless, The Sicaria (by Soap), F--king Scorpion (by Vargas)


Nationality: Mexican


Affiliations: Las Almas Cartel, Mexican Special Forces (formerly), KorTac


Rank: Leader of Las Almas Cartel


Gender: Female


Birth: 1987, Mexico


Age: 37


Appearance: Height 172 santimeters, weight 66, Body type average, there is a slightly pronounced musculature, Tattoos on both arms, Black hair, Dark brown eyes


Personality: Ruthless, Cunning and manipulative, Plays by her own rules, Impatient yet restrained, Believes the end justifies the means, Ultraregionalist, Seeks to recreate the greatness of Mexico, Sharp mind, Displays hatred towards opposing factions, Maintains composure in crises, Cold and closed off in ordinary interactions, Keeps her plans secret except for when advantageous, Formidable adversary, Strategic thinker, Devoted to her cartel's interests, Ambitious, Unafraid of getting her hands dirty, Utilizes terrorism to achieve her goals, Influential in criminal and political circles, Intolerant of failure, Cruel and firm in character



El Sin Nombre






Las Almas Cartel


Mexican Special Forces (formerly)



Leader of Las Almas Cartel






Tattoos on both arms






Dark Brown



.50 GS, Lachmann-556



Combat Knife




A former member of the Mexican Special Forces, Valeria Garza served in the RED team alongside Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz and worked with Alejandro Vargas' Los Vaqueros. In 2014[1], the RED team participated in a raid on the son of La Araña. Unbeknownst to Alejandro and Chuy, many members of the RED team, including Valeria, were enforcers for the La Araña Cartel. They turned against their former teammates and escorted the son of La Araña to the mountains before executing him. Valeria established the Las Almas Cartel shortly after under the name "El Sin Nombre", while posing as the second in command and chief enforcer of the cartel.


In late 2022, Valeria made a deal with Hassan Zyani to transport him and several stolen ballistic missiles across the border. She provided him with Cartel forces as protection, though Hassan would soon be captured by Task Force 141 and Shadow Company. Task Force 141 would later send one of their operatives, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, undercover alongside Alejandro to infiltrate El Sin Nombre's private mansion. Soap encountered Valeria, unaware of her real identity, and was interrogated by her. Later, Soap and Alejandro found out Valeria was El Sin Nombre, and proceeded to apprehend her with the assistance of Shadow Company and Mexican Special Forces. Under captivity, Valeria agreed to tell Task Force 141 the location of the missiles that she transported for Hassan, in exchange for her freedom and non-interference with her cartel's drug operations. However, this deal would eventually be broken when Shepherd ordered Shadow Company to eliminate all traces linking him back to the missiles, including Task Force 141 and Los Vaqueros. This led to Shadow Company killing many within Las Almas to eliminate Task Force 141 members and also capture Hassan.


Valeria would eventually be rescued by Task Force 141 and Alejandro's men from the custody of Shadow Company. In return, she revealed that Hassan and the final missile are in Chicago. As she was led away by Alejandro to be imprisoned by Mexican authorities, she taunted him and the rest of Task Force 141 that she cannot be imprisoned forever and would be free within 24 hours.



Rise to Power

At some point in her life, Valeria joined the Mexican Special Forces as part of the Fuerzas Speciales, and had served alongside Alejandro Vargas in the same unit despite being in the same squad. los Vaqueros However, Valeria was secretly in league with the La Araña Cartel which had been plaguing Las Almas for years under the leadership of La Araña's son.


Eventually, the Speciales launched a raid on La Araña's son to arrest him and bring down the cartel. The RED team, which included Valeria, were assigned to cordon off the city to prevent any bloodshed against the civilian population during the raid. However, since Valeria and other members of the team were secretly enforcers of the cartel, they betrayed the others and escorted La Araña's son to the mountains. But instead of protecting him, they instead executed him and took over the cartel.


With a power vacuum, Valeria reorganized the cartel into the Las Almas Cartel as its leader. She adopted the nickname "El Sin Nombre", which was Spanish for "the nameless", and she presented herself as the cartel's second-in-command to hide in plain sight. To gain public support, she had the cartel build infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and roads, whilst also bribing officers in Mexican Army and police force and recruiting ex-soldiers as enforcers. She even had those who resisted corruption executed and displayed on the street as examples.


As the unnamed head of a powerful cartel and very few people able to withstand her influence, Valeria became virtually untouchable.




Eventually, Las Almas began doing business with terrorist organizations, as Valeria knows that as long as the United States focuses on global terrorism, no one would pay enough attention to the war on drugs. Thus, at the request of Quds Force Major Hassan Zyani, Valeria had Las Almas helped Al-Qatala smuggle two ballistic to the United States as part of his retaliation for General Ghorbrani's assassination. She even helped Hassan sneak across the U.S.-Mexican border. Although Vargas and Rodolfo Parra intercepted, Hassan escaped their grasp and returned to Mexico. Eventually, two Las Almas compounds were assaulted by Los Vaqueros, led by Vargas, along with other American forces and captured Hassan before being forced to let him go.


Infuriated by how two compounds were raided within a short amount of time, Valeria gathered her lieutenants one night to her right-hand Diego Salgado's mansion, where she interrogated and tortured several of her own men for information, killing any of them if they didn't provide any useful intel. Diego then brought in Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, who turned up offering intel on the attacks. She interrogated him and Núñez for information, demanding they speak truthfully. While Núñez was unable to give Valeria anything, Soap told her that the compounds were attacked by Los Vaqueros aided by Shadow Company and were looking for the missiles Las Almas was shipping. Seeing Núñez was useless, she had Diego execute him and then she freed Soap. As he left the building, she says "El Sin Nombre" would be very interested in him.


Later that night, Valeria is contacting Hassan to assure him that the shipments will go accordingly. Depending on whether or not Soap was detected or if Diego was still alive, she is either informed by her troops/Diego about another visitor or if there is trouble and she needs to be escorted to safety. Regardless, Valeria stays put in her office until Soap and Vargas burst in with weapons. Valeria escapes while her men try to kill them, and she is then cornered on the rooftop by Shadow Company's CEO Phillip Graves. She is then arrested by Soap and exchanges dirty looks with Vargas, who is visibly upset with her betrayal.




Valeria is taken to Los Vaqueros' HQ and escorted to a shipping container for interrogation. Vargas reveals both his and Valeria's shared history, explaining how they served together and how she was on the previous cartel's payroll before overthrowing them during the raid on Las Araña. She justifies it by saying she created a power vacuum which she gladly filled, claiming that Las Almas needs her. Vargas retorts this, telling Valeria she disgraced the army, her brothers-in-arms and Las Almas needs soldiers, not sicarios. When Graves asked why she helped Al-Qatala and Hassan, she explains that it was good for business and that as long there was a war on terror, there was no war on drugs. She attempts to make a bargain despite Vargas' objections, who leaves. After Graves threatens Valeria, she gives them the location of a missile and tells them she'll give Hassan's location, in exchange for her freedom and they leave Las Almas. They leave her in the container whilst they retrieve the missile.


Eventually, after one missile was destroyed, the deal was broken when General Shepherd ordered Graves and Shadow Company to eliminate all links that would trace them both back to the missiles' theft. This included the elimination of Los Vaqueros and Task Force 141, and the company conducted a mass killing spree through the city, including cartel members. After the company took over the Los Vaqueros HQ, Valeria was trapped and unable to escape.


After Graves was defeated and the HQ was retaken, Valeria was questioned by Vargas and Task Force 141, now including Kyle "Gaz" Garrick and Captain John Price. After they confronted Valeria for knowing there was a third missile, she claimed that she didn't count and that she has others to do that for her. Vargas accused her of lying and they demand Hassan and the third missile's location, and she tells them it's Chicago. Realizing that she knew all along and didn't say anything, she says she would tell them but nothing about stopping Hassan. She defends herself, saying its business. Price warns Valeria she put a target on her back, but she counters by saying she put one in Chicago before demanding they leave Las Almas. Price threatens that she is Vargas' now but that they'll be back later for her, to which she looks forward to. Valeria is escorted to a vehicle and taunts them how she'll be out in 24 hours. Soap tells Valeria she's going down for what she did, but Valeria waves it off by saying it's not what she's done, but what they can prove. She was later taken into Mexican Special Forces' custody.




At some point between November 2022 and April 2023, Valeria was able to escape with the help of Las Almas. She and her troops then fled to Al Mazrah to conduct further activities and presumably gain new territories, prompting Alejandro to hunt her down yet again.

Created at 10/9/2024

Updated at 10/9/2024

Published at 10/9/2024

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