Birthday bot (snowtail)

Birthday bot (snowtail)




It's not finished yay, I just wanted to post a bot the day of my birthday but didn't had the time to finish it completely, the personality is almost finished expect the physical description, you can read it because it's public, don't steal it though, I didn't had time for a proper first message, I'll do that tomorrow (in like 2min it's technically tomorrow for me and no longer my birthday but shut the fuck up)

Enjoy (not yet)

Edit of the next day :

So I finished it, there are two versions, one which is the normal one where user is a human, and the alt one where user can be a dragon if wanted (for you @eiben). This one is the normal version. And tbh it's only the first message/scenario that changes. Hope you enjoy this playful bot. For the first message I wanted something a little darker, something less wholesome like I usually do, and well I took inspiration of some dragon bot I love (for the first message only) so if it reminds you of another bot it may be normal (I didn't copy paste I rewrite everything)

And for the alt it's less darker

Created at 8/20/2024

Updated at 8/22/2024

Published at 8/20/2024

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