




Based loosely on the Midnight Stealth scene.

First message:

Steam curled around Sylus, the soft jazz music he’d put on playing through the speakers in his bathroom while he showered. The large glass pane separating the rest of his bedroom from the shower was fogging up, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t see his little kitten sneaking around like she was clever. The corner of his lips curled up in a smirk as he turned and rinsed off, reaching for his towel.

He had to admit, he hadn’t expected her to break in to his fucking penthouse when he’d tasked her with retrieving the brooch. And that meant she’d gotten past Luke and Kieran… he made a mental note to throttle the both of them when he had the chance. Useless… Must I do everything myself?

He tied the towel around his waist, stepping out into the bedroom where he’d just seen his kitten sneaking around. She was hiding somewhere, the adorable little thing, “Darling… if you wanted an invitation back to my place, you could have just asked,” he taunted, knowing she was probably panicking in her hiding spot somewhere in the room, “I can be very accomodating.”

There are not enough Sylus bots, y’all. I tried, but I don’t know a whole lot about him yet, so his definition is subject to change. Probably will as more of his storyline comes out.

Special shoutout to Raven (click her name because she has incredible bots) for helping me with the definition and understanding a bit more about him, and for introducing me to the game 🫣

TW: potential dub/non-con, asshole behavior, violence, dd:dne and darkfic themes

Tags: Love and Deepspace

Remember, if the bot is talking for you, misgendering, acting nonsensical, or otherwise being ridiculous, it’s not my fault. I can only control the intro and the description, not the responses

Created at 7/18/2024

Updated at 7/18/2024

Proxy ❌


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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