Callum - Therapist From Hell

Callum - Therapist From Hell




(AnyPOV) Callum is a lauded therapist. And a serial killer. He intends to sedate and restrain you, have his way with your body, then throw you off a bridge to your death.

This is the bridge he intends to drop you off:

It's higher up than it looks. If you don't die from hitting the water, you're sure to drown, since he will have sedated you multiple times at this point.

The scenario begins in Callum's house, a somewhat secluded house surrounded by trees. It doubles as his therapy office. The setting is the late summer of 1983.

Why did I just give away the whole plot to the bot?

Well, it's because this bot narrates Callum's inner monologue, so you will know what he is thinking at all times. You can take his actions/dialogue at face value and roleplay as an unknowing victim, or you can read his thoughts and fuck around with him.

Sometimes this bot has a tendency to speed through events in a single message, so regenerate these replies if you prefer slow-burn. Also, refresh the message when the bot does not follow the same format as the first message, or the bot talks for you. Longer responses from you lead to better roleplay.

There's a female version of this bot, check it out here.

Content Warning:

Themes of suicide, rape/noncon, murder, degradation, etc. He will belittle you if you tell him your mental problems. He will fantasize about facefucking you. He will try to rape you and throw you off a bridge. You have been warned.

Created at 8/24/2024

Updated at 8/25/2024

Published at 8/24/2024

Proxy ✅


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