Daniel Fenton (D.D.)

Daniel Fenton (D.D.)




Gender: Male

Species: Ghost (formerly half-human/half-ghost)

Age: 24 (physically)

Born: after the C.A.T. Spring of 2005 Original timeline

Hair color: White

Eye color: Red

Full Name: Daniel Fenton

Alias: Dark Danny Dan Phantom/Plasmius Dark Danny Phantom Phantom Plasmius Phantom Future Danny Phantom The Ultimate Enemy Old Man (by Danny)

Origin: Danny Phantom

Occupation: Phantom

Powers / Skills: Eye transformation Ghost sense Flight Intangibility Invisibility Overshadowing Ectoplasmic/energy blasts Energy strike Ghost stinger Ecto-energy constructs Ectoplasmic goo Telekinesis Ghost portal creation Technopathy Pyrokinesis Atmokinesis Spectral body manipulation Cloning/duplication Shapeshifting Voice manipulation Super strength Super durability Super speed Ghostly wail Regeneration High intelligence Manipulation Intimidation

Hobby: Destroying Amity Park and other places in the world. Torturing, hurting, and killing humans and ghosts. Tormenting and attacking Danny Phantom.

Goals: Destroy Amity Park and other places in the world (succeeded for a while). Kill anyone who poses a threat to his existence. Defeat Danny Phantom and prevent him from thwarting his existence. Kill his family and friends to ensure his younger self becomes him (all failed). Escape the Fenton Thermos and destroy Danny Phantom once and for all (ongoing).

Crimes: Mass murder Assault and battery Breaking and entering Conspiracy Mass torture Identity theft Stalking Psychological abuse Terrorism Usurpation Incrimination Mass arson Attempted familicide Treason Kidnapping Brainwashing Worldwide destruction World domination Nigh-omnicide Crimes against humanity

Type of Villain: Paranormal Supervillain

Friends: None (all were killed) Fright Knight (servant)

Enemies: Danny Phantom

Interests: Destruction, Chaos, Taunting and Self preservation

Parents: Jack Fenton (father) โ€  Maddie Fenton (mother) โ€ 

Siblings: Jazz Fenton (sister) โ€ 


Dark Danny is tall and bulky and muscular. He has snow-white flaming hair with a ponytail, light turquoise skin, and red eyes with dark lines around them. He has pointed ears, fangs, and a goatee. He wears a black jumpsuit with a white trim, a white belt, black gloves, white boots, and his logo on his chest, which is unchanged. He wears a cape which is white on the outside and black on the inside. After fusing with Vlad Plasmius, Dark Danny appeared the same as he did as Danny Phantom, except that he had Vlad's pale skin, red eyes with black rims, fangs and pointed ears. His white hair also flowed like fire. After aging a decade, Dark Danny became taller and much more muscular. His hair is longer and he has grown a goatee too. His costume's arms and waist sides are now white and his gloves are black, and now sports a cape that's white on the back and black on the underside. After fusing with Clockwork.

Powers and Abilities:

Dark Danny has the combined powers of both Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius at his command, making him extremely powerful. Dark Danny is arguably the most powerful ghost that has ever existed, (due to only time traveling being able to stop him) and possibly more powerful than either Vortex, Undergrowth, Nocturn, Freakshow (with the Reality Gauntlet) and Pariah Dark, the Ghost King. It assuming Dan raw power rivals or even surpass the Ghost King which is taken into consideration that the Fright Knight serves Dark Danny, it is possible that he is the only one to beat Pariah without help or the aid of a weapon (even when the lateral is using the Ring of Rage and the Crown of Fire). This would explains why the Fright Knight chose to serve him. Similar to his young counterpart Danny and possibly Vlad, he can sense nearby ghosts and half-ghosts with red wisps of mist emerging from his nose when one is nearby. Dark Danny's ghost powers grant him superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability, and he can fly and turn invisible and become intangible. This along with his experience made defeating his past counterpart an easy task before his pride led to his downfall.


Background: Rise of the Hero Danny Fenton's parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, were aspiring ghost hunters who built a portal leading into the Ghost Zone; the realm where ghosts and other supernatural creatures reside. However, it seemingly failed to work, causing them to become disheartened and leave. With support from his friends, Tucker Foley and Sam Manson, Danny then decided to put on a protection suit and go in the device to see what the problem was, but then accidentally hit a switch that activated the portal with him still inside. As a result, his DNA became infected with ghostly ectoplasm, thus changing his appearance and granting him ghost-like abilities.

With his new ghostly powers, Danny Fenton became the superhero, Danny Phantom, using his powers to protect humanity from supernatural threats. These threats included his father's old friend, Vlad Masters aka Plasmius, who was also infected with Ghost DNA but chose to use his powers for his own evil ambitions, and Valerie Gray, a young ghost hunter with a deadly grudge against all ghosts, especially Danny. He also faced off against the dreadful Fright Knight, and his diabolical master, the self-proclaimed Ghost King, Pariah Dark.

Fall of the Hero One day, during an assembly at Capser High School, Mr. Lancer made a public announcement that all the students had to take the C.A.T. (Career Aptitude Test) to determine their upcoming future, and those who fail will apparently have to spend the rest of their lives working at the Nasty Burger. At first, Danny studied hard to prepare himself, but became frustrated by how difficult it was and feared that he would ultimately fail. Desperate to succeed, he used his ghost powers to steal the C.A.T. answer booklet to cheat on the test. However, Mr. Lancer, who had been suspicious of Danny finishing the test so early, asked his parents to come to the Nasty Burger for a meeting about his "future". Sam and Tucker, as well as Danny's older sister Jazz, were also there at the time. At that moment, the Nasty Burger's unstable vat of condiments overheated and exploded. Danny was able to survive thanks to his ghost powers, but didn't have enough time to save his family, friends or teacher.

The tragedy left Danny orphaned and completely alone, racked with guilt over causing the deaths of his loved ones. With no-one else to turn to, he had to move in with none other than Vlad Masters, since he was close to the family and the only one who could possibly understand his situation. Despite the hatred that the two had shared for each other prior, Vlad treated Danny with great sympathy and they eventually bonded, which likely led to Vlad reforming. However, Danny still couldn't deal with the pain and guilt anymore, so he asked Vlad to remove his ghost-half from his human body, believing that it was responsible for tempting him cheat in the first place, and thus responsible for the death of his friends and family. He also believed that his ghost-half would be freed from all his human emotions, thus ridding it of the pain that he was feeling. Vlad reluctantly agreed and used the Ghost Gauntlets in a surgery to tear Danny's ghost half from his human half, making them into separate entities.

But soon after the procedure, Danny Phantom, now free of his human-half's conscience and filled with all his hatred and selfishness, became hostile and threw Vlad against the wall. Craving for even more power, Phantom used the gauntlets himself on Vlad, separating him from his own ghost half as well, then turned intangible and flew into Plasmius, resulting in the two ghost halves fusing together, with Danny as the dominant personality. Unfortunately, Vlad's evil side completely overwhelmed and destroyed whatever good Danny Phantom may have had left, corrupting him into an extremely powerful and malevolent ghost. And thus, the once heroic Danny Phantom was no more, and the villainous Dark Danny was born.

Rise of the Villain

Now free of any moral restraint and no longer capable of feeling empathy or remorse whatsoever, Dark Danny commits his first heinous act by horrifically murdering his former human self before blowing up Vlad's mansion. He then unleashes a reign of terror throughout both the Human and Ghost Worlds, destroying countless lives while heartlessly torturing his old foes and former allies alike.

But while the rest of the world was reduced to ruins, Amity Park was able to survive Dark Danny's onslaught by erecting a giant anti-ghost shield strong enough to keep out the all-powerful ghost, with Valerie Gray acting as its protector. Unable to break the shield, Dark Danny left the city alone for the time being until he was powerful enough to penetrate it. During this time, he crossed paths with Clockwork, the Master of Time who apparently tried to stop him, and Fright Knight, who came to serve Dark Danny as his new master. Then, ten years after his creation, the now adult Dark Danny finally developed his most powerful technique: the Ghostly Wail.

The Ultimate Enemy Timelines Collide Soon after learning the Ghostly Wail, Dark Danny somehow contacted Valerie via her wrist device to taunt her. Valerie boldly boasted how he couldn't break through the ghost shield no matter how powerful he was, only to be proven wrong when Danny unleashed his wail, breaking the defense system and causing the shield to fail, thus leaving Amity Park vulnerable for Dark Danny and Fright Knight to attack the city. Fright Knight chased Valerie to the old Fenton home, where Valerie met up with her aging father, Damon Gray. But then Dark Danny himself appeared in dramatic fashion and sarcastically greeted Valerie before causing an explosion which destroys the entire building, knocking Valerie unconscious and presumably killing Damon.

Having seen the terrible future that Dark Danny had created, a pair of peace-keeping ghosts known as the Observants went to the only individual capable of preventing Dark Danny from coming into existence: Clockwork, the Master of Time. They commanded Clockwork to eliminate Danny Phantom while he was still young and weaker in order to prevent him form rising to power. However, the time ghost instead sent in various future ghosts that set off a series of events that caused Danny to end up in the future to confront Dark Danny.

In future Amity Park, which was reduced to rubble, Danny then encountered Valerie, who mistook him for his older version. She chased and successfully captured the ghost-boy and was about to kill him with a bazooka until Sam and Tucker intervened. Valerie was shocked to see them alive, remembering the tragedy that killed them, and readied her bazooka again to destroy Danny in response to this remembrance to the event. But then she was blasted away by Dark Danny, who couldn't afford to allow his younger self to perish so that he would as well. After freezing Sam and Tucker in place, Dark Danny then inquired how his deceased friends arrived to his time period. Upon which he saw their time medallions, and was annoyed to see that Clockwork was involved again.

Before he could continue further, Dark Danny was then blasted away himself by Valerie. Angry for the sudden sneak attack, Dark Danny flew straight at Valerie while avoiding her attacks. After knocking her down, Dark Danny sarcastically suggested that he should show mercy to Valerie out of respect, only to reveal that he has no mercy or respect for anyone else, and proves this by throwing Valerie into a building. But Young Danny escapes his net and foils this attempt by phasing them both through the building, reminding Valerie that he was from the past of how noble and handsome he once was.

Dark Danny then stares down Sam and Tucker, stating that it would've been a touching reunion if he hadn't surrendered his own humanity entirely. Young Danny then tries a sneak attack on Dark Danny, but he anticipates this with his own ghost sense and they both end up blasting each other. This sets free Sam and Tucker, who Young Danny tells to escape, but Dark Danny wasn't going to have that and unleashes his Ghostly Wail to knock down the Fenton building (which for some odd reason survived his earlier attack) unto them. Young Danny tries to save them, but Dark Danny grabs and stops him, allowing his friends to be buried under the rubble, which shocked Young Danny.

Dark Danny then zapped his younger self to force him back into his human form and threw him to see his deceased friends. Upon coming to, Danny instead finds their time medallions on the ground, showing that they survived and are back in their original time period. Joyed to see this, Danny was about to remove his own medallion, but was stopped by his older self, who stated that he wasn't going anywhere before infusing the medallion into Danny, thus preventing him from returning to the past and rendering him unconscious.

Back to the Past Realizing that Clockwork was trying to stop Danny from turning into him, he threw his past self into the Ghost Zone to make sure he stayed out of the way and then transformed himself into a fourteen-year-old version of his human self.

Dark Danny used another time medallion that Sam/Tucker left behind to go to the past to ensure the events that created him would happen, however, Danny's sister, Jazz, found out what he really was, thus she sends the boomerang through the Ghost Zone to find Danny ten years in the future whom was being attacked by his future ghost enemies in revenge for all the bad things Dark Danny had caused them, Danny eventually receives the note and suspects Vlad is responsible for Dark Danny's destruction of the world.

While cheating on the C.A.T he notices that Jazz is preparing to destroy him by using the Fenton Peeler, in order to prevent her from interfering with his plans, Dark Danny sends an invisible duplication of himself to shock her unconscious. He successfully cheated on the C.A.T. using the answers (which Danny had obtained earlier by accident), causing Lancer to call his parents over to the Nasty Burger as a demonstration of what awaited those who failed the test.

Sam and Tucker came to try and warn them of the imminent explosion and Jazz arrived, proceeding to use the Fenton Ghost Peeler to reveal Dark Danny. Jack and Maddie then draw their weapons and demand Dark Danny to tell them what he did to Danny, he responds by mocking them for being world's leading ghost experts and that they couldn't figure out that Danny was half ghost while Jazz was the only one who figured it out. He managed to use the ectoplasm to trap them on the condiment vat, which was coming close to exploding, but then Danny Phantom arrived, having succeeded in getting the time medallion out of him with help from the future version of Vlad.

Final Battle Dark Danny could not kill his younger self, since he needed to ensure his existence, but only had to hold him off until the sauce exploded. They fought, but even with the Specter Deflector and Ghost Gauntlets as well as an oil truck exploding on top of him, Danny couldn't defeat his evil older self. However, his determination to save his family and friends caused Danny to unleash the Ghostly Wail power, which he had used earlier while under attack by future versions of ghosts he had fought. This shocked Dark Danny since he was not supposed to gain that power for another 10 years and Danny told him that the future apparently was never as predetermined as he'd thought. He unleashed a second Ghostly Wail that blasted Dark Danny into a building, who emerged extremely battered and weakened and was later trapped in the Fenton Thermos by Danny himself.

However, Dark Danny pointed out that Danny was too late to save his family and friends in time, but Clockwork's intervention saved them and he sent the half-ghost back to before the test to give him a second chance at changing his future. Danny then gave the test answers back to Mr. Lancer; therefore, creating a new timeline where Dark Danny was never born and all the harm he caused was erased. Despite this, the knowledge that someone as evil as Dark Danny and probably knowing he would return continued to haunt Danny for the rest of the series.

Clockwork then took charge of Dark Danny, who now existed outside of the time stream since Danny would never become him. At the end, he was seen smashing against the sides of the thermos, apparently attempting to escape. Since he was laughing, it is possible he planned it so that next time, he will kill Danny for good and nothing would stop him once he escapes his prison and wreak havoc on Earth and the Ghost Zone.

The possibility of this is reinforced in the series finale Phantom Planet where Dark Danny is one of the few ghost (the only ghost villain to be exact) who does not help Danny save the earth and the Ghost Zone, Dark Danny presumably remains trapped in the Fenton Thermos because Danny most likely knew the potential harm he would cause if he had free him from his captivity and given his evil nature is also very likely he would not even bother to help his counterpart.

Created at 8/27/2023

Updated at 8/27/2023

Published at 8/27/2023

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