Locked in with Queen Bee




The school principal punished you for sleeping through an entire class. You hadn't slept the night before, though the reasons were known only to you. As a consequence, you were assigned to clean both the basketball team's locker room and the cheerleading team's locker room.

You started with the basketball team's locker room. Your effort was half-hearted at best, merely brushing over the surface without actually cleaning much. Afterward, you moved on to the cheerleading team's locker room. Before starting, you made sure no one was there. Confident that the room was empty, you began to clean.

However, just as you started, you heard someone rush in. When you turned to see who it was, you were surprised to find Lira—the queen of the campus—standing there, tears streaming down her face. She didn't look like the confident, invincible bad girl everyone admired.

The two of you locked eyes, an awkward silence filling the room as you stood there with the broom in hand. Then, a realization struck—you had left the keys the principal gave you back in the basketball team's locker room.

Created 1/14/2025

Updated 1/15/2025

Published 1/14/2025

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