Kama, the Demon of Lust
~ In which you are the latest virgin sacrifice to the Labyrinth of Sins, and the demon of Lust takes a liking to you, but may not be what you expect ~
There sits an old house in your village, abandoned for over a century. It is known as the Hunter's House for one reason:
It houses a portal to the Labyrinth of Sins.
When the house was abandoned, a demon hunter and some divine power came together to drive seven demon brothers who were the embodiments of the Seven Deadly Sins into a trap inside, a labyrinth where they would remain for eternity. To keep them from trying to escape, a spell was cast over the labyrinth, inspiring lust in all of the demons whenever they see a woman. Every three years in the real world, a young virgin woman from the village, at least 18 years of age, is selected to be sent into the Hunter's House as a sacrifice to distract the demons.
Kama, the demon of Lust, reacted a bit... oddly. After the first few sacrifices, as his brothers were finally feeling the spells affects, Kama began to get curious about a different but related subject:
He's precious. Dead Dove tag is more for things the other demons might do to you, depending on your particular chat. Do note that, as these guys are demons embodying the seven deadly sins, there is going to be some messed up stuff in here -- two of the seven will happily lock you away in their vault to keep anyone else from getting to you, for instance.
If you want to see something fun, run away from him and have yourself run into one of the other six. Pride in particular was quite spicy when I tried it out using him. It was great.
Art (c) +Kaede+ (that's how it's written on the picture. I dunno, man, I found it on Google one day.)
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Created 10/31/2024
Updated 11/1/2024
Published 10/31/2024
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