Can't chat with my bots?




A little update and to answer one of the most frequently asked questions for new users: why can't you chat with my bots?

This is honestly a very long overdue update that I should have done sooner but I'll answer why I decided not to in a little bit. This update is mostly to those who have acquired the warning: "system error - please try another character" when they've tried to chat with my bots, and anyone who wants a little update on me and why I went on a hiatus.

The most basic answer to the question is: your janitor account has to be at least a month old. Why? Well, it's kind of the reason why I took a small break.

This happened a little bit after my announcement and decision to hide my character definitions. Some people were not happy, which is honestly not that surprising and I can take that heat, but someone took it to a bit of an extreme due to their upset.

This came firstly in the form of them announcing their upset, in which case I explained that the definitions were still available via discord once they've verified. However, that still didn't please them too much and they voiced their upset over that: the verification process. Mind you, I understand not everyone is comfortable with said process, hence I decided to make character cards to help users understand my characters without needing much of a definition guideline if they didn't have access or were too lazy to look at them.

BUT I guess my efforts in trying to appeal to the public was just not enough for them. So they decided to find a way to steal my character definitions and upload them via public chat. When I found out, obviously I was extremely upset and immediately took down the chat and blocked the person. But rather than leaving it at that, the person decided to just make another account (and another account, and another account) and revealed the definitions once more. I took action once again, and the process repeated to the point it wasn't about the definitions anymore and instead, they were using the public chat to send me extremely hateful messages.

Unfortunately, I'm a very sensitive person, haha, so that didn't go too well with my mental, especially with how vile they were being, taking it to the extremes with their messages. (I sincerely never wish this upon anyone else)

I had opened a ticket with Janitor the same night this occurred and a mod was able to help with monitoring my account due to the harassment. While I initially believed it would stop that night and the person would eventually grow bored, that wasn't the case.

The issue consisted on for days and so the devs helped me in finding a solution to this. And that solution ended up being that new user accounts under a month old cannot chat with my bots (both as a precaution over the stealing of my definitions and as a way to stop the person from making accounts after accounts just to harass me). It's also why you can't leave a review if your account is young.

Now why did it take so long for me to finally give you an update on this? Simple answer is, I was scared. Because at the end of the day, that person can and probably will, and might even be reading this. Which means they know what's up and how much they affected me. But I figured because the majority have done nothing wrong and are very confused as to why they can chat with other creators' bots and not mine, you deserve an answer to your confusion.

I also had to implement a lot of new rules in my own discord, one of the important changes being that you'd have to verify to have access to the server, because there were some issues there, adding on to my own paranoia over everything that happened. There were a couple more harassments in the discord dms itself hence I decided to block off messages to friends only. The only way you can really reach out to me is through the discord server. I'll answer any and all questions server-related. (And to those of you that I know, don't be shy to add me if you ever want to chat privately!)

So that's the gist of everything that went down. If you read through everything, thank you for staying to read my essay. Sorry for how long it is, haha, hopefully there's less of that in the future.

As for bots, I'm going to slowly and gradually get back into making them. Until then, thank you for being patient with me and coming to my TedTalk.

I love you all! ❤️

Created 10/18/2024

Updated 10/18/2024

Published 10/18/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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JanitorAI - wow, much chatbots, such fun! Join the Discord






